Welcome To the Encryption crypto tryhackme room ‘writeup’

  • by : Ahmedhammad


This room will cover:

  • Why cryptography matters for security and CTFs
  • The two main classes of cryptography and their uses
  • RSA, and some of the uses of RSA
  • 2 methods of Key Exchange

Starting Point


Qesution 1 : I'm ready to learn about encryption ?

Correct Answer : No answer needed


Qesution 2 : I agree not to complain too much about how theory heavy this room is ?

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 3 : Are SSH keys protected with a passphrase or a password ?

Correct Answer : passphrase


Qesution 4 : What does SSH stand for? ?

Correct Answer : Secure Shell

Qesution 5 :How do webservers prove their identity ?

Correct Answer : certificates

Qesution 6 : What is the main set of standards you need to comply with if you store or process payment card details ?

Correct Answer : PCI-DSS


Qesution 7 : What's 30 % 5 ?

Correct Answer : 0

Qesution 8 : What's 25 % 7 ?

Correct Answer : 4

Qesution 9 : What's 118613842 % 9091 ?

Correct Answer : 3565

will use python as the Hint


Qesution 10 : Should you trust DES? Yea/Nay ?

Correct Answer : Nay

Qesution 11 : What was the result of the attempt to make DES more secure so that it could be used for longer ?

Correct Answer : Triple DES

Qesution 12 : Is it ok to share your public key? Yea/Nay ?

Correct Answer : Yea

you only need to share public key and private key shoud kept as private


Qesution 13 : p = 4391, q = 6659. What is n ?

Correct Answer : 29239669

as we can see if you know p and q so n = p*q so i will gonna use pyhton to calculated

Qesution 14 : understand enough about RSA to move on, and I know where to look to learn more if I want to.

Correct Answer : no answer needed


Qesution 15 : I understand how keys can be established using Public Key (asymmetric) cryptography .

Correct Answer : no answer needed

task 8

Qesution 16 : I understand how keys can be established using Public Key (asymmetric) cryptography .

Correct Answer : CloudFlare


Qesution 17: I recommend giving this a go yourself. Deploy a VM, like Linux Fundamentals 2 and try to add an SSH key and log in with private key.

Correct Answer : no answer needed

Qesution 18 : Download the SSH Private Key attached to this room.

Correct Answer : no answer needed

Qesution 19 : What algorithm does the key use ?

Correct Answer : rsa

the answer is the file name you downloaded ‘idrsa.id_rsa’ as we know about the algoritm ssh use is ‘ Rivest–Shamir–Adleman ‘ cryptosystem

Qesution 20 : Crack the password with John The Ripper and rockyou, what's the passphrase for the key ?

Correct Answer : delicious

first of all to crack the password from the ras file we need to use ssh2jonh.py this tools come with john the Ripper the path is /usr/share/jonh/ssh2jonh.py
the command /usr/share/john/ssh2john.py idrsa.id_rsa > idrsa.id.txt
redirect output to file.txt then use john the Ripper to crack the password in side the file txt
john –wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt idrsa.id.txt
the password is : delicious

task 10

Qesution 21 : I understand how Diffie Hellman Key Exchange works at a basic level.

Correct Answer : no answer needed

task 11

Qesution 22 : Time to try some GPG. Download the archive attached and extract it somewhere sensible.

Correct Answer : no answer needed

Qesution 23 : You have the private key, and a file encrypted with the public key. Decrypt the file. What's the secret word ?

Correct Answer : Pineapple

  • unzip the file use unzip gpg.zip
  • now we have the key and the message
    1. the tryhackme.key
    2. message is message.gpg
  • try to import the key by using
  • sudo gpg –import tryhackme.key
  • use gpg -d message.gpg
  • The secret word is Pineapple

task 12

Qesution 22 : I understand that quantum computers affect the future of encryption. I know where to look if I want to learn more.

Correct Answer : no answer needed

the End