Welcome To Linux Fundamentals Part3 ‘writeup’

  • by : Ahmedhammad


  • room name : LinuxFundamentalsPart3
  • category : Linux Fundamental
  • link : https://tryhackme.com/room/linuxfundamentalspart3

  • Welcome to part three (and the finale) of the Linux Fundamentals module. So far, throughout the series, you have got hands-on with some fundamental concepts and used some important commands. This room is going to showcase some useful utilities and applications that you are likely to use day-to-day. You’re also going to advance your Linux-fu skills by learning about automation, package management, and service/application logging.

Watch the video by tryhackme :

Starting Point

task1 : Introduction

Qesution 1 : Let's proceed!

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Task 2 : Deploy Your Linux Machine

Qesution 1 : I've logged into the Linux Fundamentals Part 3 machine using SSH and have deployed the AttackBox successfully!

Correct Answer : No answer needed

## Task 3 : Terminal Text Editors

Qesution 1 : Create a file using Nano

Correct Answer : No answer needed

To Create file using nano
just type nano and the file name you want create
same like
nano tryhackme

Qesution 2 : Edit "task3" located in "tryhackme"'s home directory using Nano. What is the flag?

Correct Answer : THM{TEXT_EDITORS}

nano task3

Task 4 : General/Useful Utilities

Qesution 1 : Ensure you are connected to the deployed instance (

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 2 : Now, use Python 3's "HTTPServer" module to start a web server in the home directory of the "tryhackme" user on the deployed instance.

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 3 : Download the file onto the TryHackMe AttackBox What are the contents?


Qesution 4 : Create and download files to further apply your learning -- see how you can read the documentation on Python3's "HTTPServer"module. Use Ctrl + C to stop the Python3 HTTPServer module once you are finished. .

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Task 5 : Processes 101

Qesution 1 : Read me!

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 2 : If we were to launch a process where the previous ID was "300", what would the ID of this new process be?

Correct Answer : 301

Qesution 3 : If we wanted to cleanly kill a process, what signal would we send it ?

Correct Answer : SIGTERM

SIGTERM - Kill the process, but allow it to do some cleanup tasks beforehand

Qesution 4 : Locate the process that is running on the deployed instance ( What flag is given?

Correct Answer : THM{PROCESSES}

ps -uax | grep THM

Qesution 5 : What command would we use to stop the service "myservice"?

Correct Answer : systemctl stop myservice

to stop service type systemcty stop ‘service name’

Qesution 6 : What command would we use to start the same service on the boot-up of the system?

Correct Answer : systemctl enable myservice

to enable service command is systemctl enable ‘service name’

Qesution 7 : What command would we use to bring a previously backgrounded process back to the foreground?

Correct Answer : fg

fg to make process in background

Task 6 : Maintaining Your System: Automation

Qesution 1 : Ensure you are connected to the deployed instance and look at the running crontabs.

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 2 : What command would we use to bring a previously backgrounded process back to the foreground?

Correct Answer : @reboot

@reboot command allowed to use command every reboot the machine same like @reboot macchanger -r wlan0
this command make you change your mac address every reboot

Task 7 : Maintaining Your System: Package Management

Qesution 2 : Since TryHackMe instances do not have an internet connection...this task only requires you to read through the material.

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Task 8 : Maintaining Your System: Logs

Qesution 1 : Look for the apache2 logs on the deployable Linux machine

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 2 : What is the IP address of the user who visited the site?

Correct Answer :

cd /var/log/apache2/
cat access.log.1

Qesution 3 : What file did they access?

Correct Answer : catsanddogs.jpg

Task 9 : Conclusions & Summaries

Qesution 1 : Terminate the machine deployed in this room from task 2.

Correct Answer : No answer needed

Qesution 2 : Continue your learning in other Linux-dedicated rooms

Correct Answer : No answer needed

The End